Selected Works by Dan Senn
Crystal Granite, 25 Works for Piano & Fixed Audio '25
La Bohéme, Piano and Violin '25 vs
Feints & Gestures, for Tenor, Flute & Fixed Audio '25
Breath Taking, for Soprano and Fixed Audio '25
Mass for Heavy Rail, for SATB Choir and Pre-recorded Sound Sculpture '09, '24
The Third Book of Rugged Dances, for prepared Fayfer Harp '24
The Second Book of Rugged Dances, for prepared Contrabass '24
The First Book of Rugged Dances, for prepared Violin '24
Two Chooks, for Alto Recorders '23
Five Descents, for Fixed Audio '23
ACTION SPEAK, for Fixed Audio '22
The Location of Angels, for Voices, 'cello and Fixed Audio '11, '23
A Cat Named Lillian, for SATB (with divisi) Boys Choir '22
CAGED, for Piano, Projected Score and Pre-Recorded Sounds '80
So Far Away, Flute, Trombone, Piano and Marimba '82, '20
Eleven Wise, Three Flutes and Pre-Recorded Sounds '82, '20
Jazz Impolitica, Flute, Piano, 'Cello '20
Polite Society, Piano Quartet '20
The Settling, Piano Trio '19
Fencing Schönberg, 12-15 Chamber Instruments '19
Mister Fear, a cappella SSAATTBB Choir '19
Xpresso, Glockensiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Marimba, fixed media '19
Seven For Piano, solo piano '17
Four Psalms Modal, a cappella SSAATTBB Choir '17
SPEaster Reflex, for SPEaster Gamelyde, spoken voices (arranged by Alice Mirk) and fixed media '15, '16
Mass for Heavy Rail: Requiem for My Father, for SATB Choir and Pre-recorded Sound Sculpture '09, '24
May Knots, two pianos '81 & '15
The Bazaar Ladies, Sopranos and Altos '14Puppen Klinik, Gamelydes 1,2,3,4 '14Close, Then Far, for two flutes '10Cycling China on Twelve IKEA Bowls, for solo percussion '10Semaphore on Gamelyde 1 and 2, percussion duo '10Just After, Looking Back on Gamelyde 1,2 and 3, percussion trio '10On A Long Thin Table, for dance and pre-recorded sound '11Mumma's Incredible Sinking Violin, for soprano, violin, lyde and pre-recorded sound '11Its Mirror, solo flute '13Dam Patch, Dog Barking, for pre-recorded video and sound, 2 percussionists playing Gamelyde 2 & 4, and dance '12
Micro-Dramatic Songs from Prague II, for piano and soprano '10
Sun Wrinkled Lady, Tram Spider, Never Close, Bitumen Race
A Cat Named Lillian, for SATB (with divisi) Boys Choir '22
Micro-Dramatic Songs from Prague I, for soprano, marimba and string trio '09
The Gathering, The Lonely Child, The Chubby Czech, The Belle from Brno
Czech Rail, for recorded Too Flutter '07
Vertical Lyre with Prague Bubbles, subaudio pulse score, see exhibition, Hillsboro, Oregon '07
Over'lyre, subaudio pulse score data, 2001 exhibition, Seattle '06 (permanent)
Uncovered States, subaudio pulse score, Poznan, Poland '06
Portland Soundings, graphic scores for the International Space Band, Portland '05
Cartwheels for piccolo and orchestral bells, Smith Publications, Baltimore (purchase) '04
S(H)e Visits Me for a cappella SATB chorus '04
Lyde Notation for I Ching and Lydes (hear) '02
M & M in E, for solo bass violin and video '00
Still Moving: Four Sides of a Japanese Language School,
percussions for solo violin and optonal video '99 '05 '20
Patty Quake, for UWT Vertical Penduling '99
Tocsin #1, alarm bell, four nests, 1'x1'x1' box '97
Anatom for Sal, solo piano '96
Ah ONE, two vibraphones and bass violin, Honeyrock Publications
Four Chained Daisies, string quartet '85 '92
Ah Too, vibraphone, marimbas, glockenspiel, temple blocks, and trap sets '90
The Schlemiel, actor, tape and participating audience '89
Peeping Tom, see text, voice and snare drum, Sonic Arts Edition, Baltimore '88
In Glass, flute and oboe '86
Loose Change for Four Changing Scrapercussionists and Changing Conductor '88
Rivus, Any Three Treble Instruments in the Same Key, Smith Publications, Baltimore '85
Goyboys, trombone, piano, flute and marimba '83
Skidmarks, trombone and tape '81
Cacaphonic Cadenza, scrapercussion and participating audience '81
Smith's Invention, cello and tape '81
Raku for Percussion, for sixteen percussionists '77
Stak Raku, four tap dancers on dance instruments, backing sounds '77
Stik Fer, dance-actor-vocalist '75
Rollo, "opera" '75
White Death, SATB choir '74
Le Peinture, full orchestra '73
Lebanon Band March, marching band '74
The Lucky Life '19
Chiclet Church '19
The Great Migration '19
Clara Bell '19
Echo Chase '09
Flutter Moths (Flutter Harp) (see/hear) 5:40), 16:35 '93
Movie Man On Prinsengracht, (spoken text, Fayfer and tape) 6:46 '93
Eight Ways to Fix a Windmill, (Fayfer Harp) 16:00 '93
Five Toons (Tenor Shmoos), 14:37 '93
Stressing Ms Margaret, (Scrapercussion #7 feedback) 4:50 '93
Hands Off (Shmoos Harp), 8:00 '93
Horroroic with Pretty Me, (spoken text and Shmoos Harp) 3:02 '93 (hear)
Hands On (Shmoos Harp), 14:58 '93
Power Coat (spoken text), 1:00 '91
Shmoos Harp Improvisation, (Shmoos Harp and vc Scrapercussion feedback) '91 (hear)
Before Roulette (vc scrapercussion feedback), 21:00 '91
Silly Business (spoken text), 1:00 '91
Pulluting (live text and prerecorded text), 5:00 '91
Lillian (spoken text), 1:00 '91 (choral work)
Out On Limb Three (struck Scrapercussion #7), 3:20 '91
Mean People (spoken text), 1:00 '91
Shot Cup (Scrapercussion feedback), 6:45 '91
Aussie Fan (struck Scrapercussion #7), 3:03 '91
Miss Beautimiss (Scrapercussion feedback), 3:16 '91
Power Coat in a Fire Hose Joint (shouted text into Scrapercussion #7), 3:10 '91
Tiananmen Square (Scrapercussion feedback), 8:06 '91 (hear)
Four Sticks (struck Scrapercussion #7), 7:30 '89
Beep Boop I (Scrapercussion feedback), 3:38 '89
Out on Limb Three (Scrapercussion feedback), 3:20 '89
All Stops (Scrapercussion feedback), 5:20 '89
Two Sticks (struck Scrapercussion #7), 5:55 '89
Beep Boop Two (Scrapercussion feedback), 3:20 '89
Out on Limb One, (struck Scrapercussion #7), 2:40 '89
Out in Limb Three (Scrapercussion feedback), 13:30 '89
Out on Limb Two (struck Scrapercussion #7), 2:50 '89
Selected Concert Performance Scores
F.L.E.A. Festival, performances in New York, Dortmund, Eindhoven,
Ghent, October '92
Selected Pieces for Tape Alone
The Catacombs of Yucatan, vs1 & vs2 (radio broadcast, voices w/shmoos and pendulum-based instruments) 27:00 '96 '97
Late Takes (digitized Scrapercucussion samples) 6:00 '91
Pig Whistles (real-time hybrid computer system) 6:37 '85
Spangles (hybrid computer system), 13:00 '85
Bucktooth Bird (Fairlight Computer Music Instrument), 13:00 '82
Honky Tok (Fairlight Computer Music Instrument),12:10 '80
Caged (Fairlight Computer Music Instrument),12:10 '80
On Glass (analog, musique concrete), 16:00 '79
What Cheer (analog, musique concrete), 14:00 '78
Happy Trails (analog, musique concrete), 8:30 '77
Jump Back (analog, musique concrete), 8:00 '78 (hear)
Selected Mixed Media Performance Pieces
The Catacombs of Yucatan, vs2 (video, voices w/shmoos and pendulum-based instruments) 27:00 '96 '97
Pennies from Heaven (video, fluttering instrument) 27:00 '97
Bucktooth Bird (tape and slides by Larry Graham), 6:00 '91
On Glass (tape and projected text by Dan Senn), 6:00 '91
Goyboys (tape and slides by Tim Brook) 6:00 '91