Power Coat
by Dan Senn
I was about to pay
from behind
she said
"I'm over here."
I turned to see
a middle aged clerk
and said
without missing a beat
"You sure are."
She laughed
cocking her head
to one side
repeating to herself
"Yes, I sure am . . . "
she became quiet
and said
"I'm so short."
And getting shorter everyday.
"Soon I will shrink away."
She took my money
and gave me change.
I placed it
in my wallet
and said
"I was once seven feet and black."
In my power coat
as I left
through the power doors
I saw her reflection.
She was stretched over the counter.
Her hands and fingers
pointing outward.
Now she understood.
She had seen only the coat.
Stooding there
I knew
that as a boy
my heroes
were all seven feet
and black.
©1987 Dan Senn