Installation Videos

Breaking Apart (2012) 32:31

Zelená Chyba (2009) 11:10

Vltavska (2008) 4:27 (w/Tereza Kucerová)

Zakaz Vstupu (2005) 8:14

The Obedient Woman (1998, 2004) 9:13

Uncovered States (2000, 2006) 26:41

Volunteer Park Archeologies: Stories from the Garden (2001) 48:17

Three Girls (2000) 23:29

'Tisn't Maize (1999) 6:57

Shuffling Defiance (1999) 7:17

Poppies, Mirrored (1998) 4:19

December Quivering (1998) 15:27

Balancing Power (1997) 55:00

The Catacombs of Yucatan (1995, 1997) 26:41

The Granary (1995) 5:00

Whistle Jack (1995) 5:00

Pitching Pennies Through Glass (1994) 9:11

Teleliar (1994) 10:04

Frances (1994) 20:00

Tulips Amidst Too Lips (1993) 18:17

Matoca Town (1992) 20:00


Index | Documentary | Experimental | Exhibition | Ethno | FMera | Main Site
* Installation videos are usually made to accompany exhibitions of my kinetic sound art.
Yet the lines between catagories can blur as a piece may eventually be used in other
contexts. Therefore, some of these works appear in other video categories.