Selected Recordings
Scored Music
by Dan Senn
Heavy Glass On Granite, Thin (2022)
For piano and stereo fixed media.
Polite Society (2020)
For Piano Quintet.
The Never Close (2010)
For Soprano and Piano.
Four Psalms Model (2016)
For a cappella SATB choir.
Its Mirror (2013)
For solo flute.
On The Location of Angels (2013)
For 2 sopranos, 2 tenores, 'cello
and pre-recorded Gamelyde.
Dam Patch, Dog Barking (2012)
For amelyde (2) and video.
Cycling China  (2010)
For 12 IKEA bowls.

Close, Then Far (2010)
For two flutes.

La Bohéme (2010)
For violin and piano.

Over Ready's Bluff (2009)
For clarinet, piano and bass.
S(H)e Visits Me (2004)
A cappella choir

Skidmarks (1981)
Trombone and Fairlight CMI

Rivus (1985)
Any three treble instruments
in the same key.

Peeping Tom (1985)
Snare drum and voice

Anatom for Sal (1996)
Solo piano

Ah ONE (1992)
For two vibraphones and bass.

Ah Too (1990)
For percussion ensemble.


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