4GamLycon, Ableton Live Set by Dan Senn for live performance
PWrinks3.1 by Dan Senn
A description of an Ableton Live Set for live improvisation and performance.
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PWrinks3.1 is constructed from the sounds of snapping/wrinkling paper and arranged into four soundfonts. Source materials were recorded at Waterhouse Studio in 2012 and first presented at Echofluxx 12 in Prague.

Stereo sound example: As He Bravely Lays Waste to American Democracy
NOTE: Use headphones or an external sound system to listen to this piece.

Description of Soundfonts in columns 1-12.

1) 30 Snaps (2 fonts spread over 8-octaves)
    i.  30 snaps to 1/2 pt (original font divided into 2 fonts; highly differentiated)
    ii. 30 snaps to end

2) 20 Wrinks (wrinkling paper)
    i.  20 wrinks to 1/2 pt
    ii. 20 wrinks to end

3) 60 Boms (bombs, snap)
    i.  60 Boms bottom half (best)
    ii.  60 Boms top half (best)
    iii. 60 Boms white keys all snds (edited sample for quick access on white keys)
    iv. 60 Boms last file strike (made from last percussive strike in the file)

4) 24 Chip Walk (wrinkling, unwrinkling paper)
    i.  24 Chip Walk vs1
    ii. 24 Chip Walk vs2

Set Index
Dan Senn's Site