Sonic Circuits V International Festival of Electronic Art

1936 Pacific Avenue, University of Washington-Tacoma

May 26-28, 7pm, FREE ADMISSION, (review)

The University of Washington at Tacoma, in cooperation with the American Composers Forum of St. Paul, will 
present a three day festival of electronic art at its new downtown location. The midweek festival will present an 
international lineup of artists including the extraordinary BRAAXTAAL ensemble from Amsterdam, UWT Artist-
in-Residence Dan Senn, the homegrown Newsense Ensemble from the UWT, and a juried selection of sound and 
video pieces from around the world.


Tuesday, May 26th, 7pm BRAAXTAAL
Wednesday, May 27th, 7pm DAN SENN and Co.
Thursday, May 28th, 7pm NEWSENSE ENSEMBLE


The Festival is supported by the Washington State Arts Commission's Art in Public Places Program, the Rockefeller 
Foundation, the University of Washington Founder's Endowment and Pacific Rim Real Estate with special thanks to 
Bill Richardson and Sam Parker for their kind assistance.

Information: tel (253) 759-2556; fax: (253) 759-2623

Newsense Intermedium