PERFORMANCE, Thursday, July 22, 1999, 7pm, Tacoma
Art Museum.
Piano, a sound sculpture by Klaus Runze
...photo by Rilo Chmielorz | click photo for additional link
| Klaus Runze Site
for Klaus Runze
1930 Born in Berlin, Germany 1948-62 Studies at Berlin Conservatoire of Music / Piano, Rhythmik, Cembalo Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Berlin 1956-57 Study at Berlin Conservatoire of Visual Arts / Painting Staatliche Hochochule für Bildende Künste Berlin 1956 Grant for Paris, sponsored b y Centre Culturel Francais Maison de France Berlin 1961-72 Teaching Piano, with basic research concerning the creativity of children. Followed the Piano Teaching Book 'Zwei Hande - Zwölf Tasten' / Germany 1971 Schott Mainz / Great Britain 1977 'Two Hands - Twelve Notes', Schott London / Japan 1986, Nihon Schott Tokyo 1973-97 Lecturer for Piano, Improvisation and Didactics at the Conservatoire of Music in Cologne Staatlibhe Hochschule für Musik Köln 1980- Increasing occupation in the domain of intermedia performances and concepts Structured improvisation, composition, sculptured soundobjects, painting while performing. Texts,-onthis subject are to be found in specialised literature. Selected Presentations 1972 Berlin Academy of Fine Arts (Akademie der Künste) 1975 Paris World.Congress of Jeanesses Musicales 1976,1977 Basel Conservatoire of Music (Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel) 1982 London EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association) 1986 Innsbruck World Conference of ISME (International Society of Music Education) 1986-93 Tokyo/Seoul/ Sofia Goethe-Instituts l993 ViennaConservatoire of Musik (Staatl. Hochsch. fur Musik u. Darstellende Künst) 1978/79 Paris IRCAM:'The child in the Labyrinth of sound' commissioned documentation of children's creativity. Unpublished. Texts on the subject of piano education are to be found in specialised literature.
Solo Performances
1983 Munich TU / Festival EXperimente-lle Musik 1985 Bombay/New Delh,i Calcutta Goethe-Instituts / 'Metaphrasis' 1987 Bonn Gallery Die Wand /"'Hiroshima"' 1995 Düsseldorf Conservatoire of Music'Sound Gestures on the Piano' 1996 Cologne Conservatoire of Music 'Stars from the Underworld'. cycle for playing the Bösendorfer Grand Piano 'Imperial'
Group Performances
1980 Basel IGNM / group 'piano 2 : 21 1983 Cologne Stollwerck / Festival Hommage John Cage 1953 Darmstadt Inst. for New Music and Musiceducation / 'Harp in clothes' 1984 Belgrad Festival of Minimal Music, with the Goethe-Institut 1984 Munich Festival of Experimental Theater / group Arts in Action 1985 Bonn Tage Neuer Musik / 'Rock Forest' 1987 Bonn Gallery Die Wand / group bassopiano, 'SedJmentel 1990 Berlin Hebbeltheater / 'Interfe,renzen', Diagonal tuning of two piano, with Paulo Alvarez 1990 Cologne Conservatoire of Music 1993- Trio STRUZ, with Marianne Steffen-Wittek/Markus Zaja (percussion/wind-instr. 1994 CologneStadtgarten / Forum Aktuelle Musik Cologne Gallery Schüppenhauer / 'Der schnarchende Orpheus' since 1994- Duo Ivoce piano plus with Rena Meyer-Wiel (voice) 1995 Cologne fiberga-ngsrawn e.V. 'Hiroshima II, Radio 1986 Ziirich Swiss Radio @(DRS): 'Returning to Utopia', a Portrait of the Piano- pedagogue and Improviser Klaus Runze CDs, Videos 1994 CD + Edition of the visual artist Jiri Kolar, from the performance Gallery 1995 CD, Trio STRUZ Schtippenhauer, Cologn Trio STRUZ 1996 CD and Video, Duo ivoce piano plus' 1996 CD and Video, solo (concepts of playing piano)