Ball State University
Muncie Indiana
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Shmoos Harp by Dan Senn
August 1990
(hear play) | Constructed from pvc, nylon line, suspended resonator, speaker
transducer, stereo amplifier and threaded piezos.
Feedback loop:
Gain from stereo amplifier (via speaker
transducer on front and back
of plate) is pushed into
suspended silver platter. Resonance from
platter travel
by nylon line which thread piezo mics with output
to stereo amplifier. Feedback is performed by applying
weight (w/hands)to platter (nylon is continuously threaded to allow
for easy change in string length). Instrument also
played by bowing
 and plucking nylon lines, by using
wind blown pendulums attached
to upper lengths of
nylon lines, and by tapping, scraping string
pvc chassis. |

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