Kinetic Sound Sculpture by Dan Senn

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Vertical Pendulure II
Vertical Pendulure II
Epoxy filled speakers connected to pendulum lines cause sticks to strike adjacent resonators.
Vertical Pendulyre II
Vertical Pendulyre II
Space at back of sculpture designed for optional 13-inch video monitor.
Vertical Penduling
Vertical Penduling
Patron-controlled sound sculpture at the University of Washington, Tacoma.
Vertical Penduling
Vertical Penduling
Pendulums are moved using subaudio pulses (ci. 6 hz) stored on 16 CDs.
Vertical Penduling: detail
Vertical Penduling: detail
Sixteen microtuned bells are struck by pendulums; five algorithmic compositions may be selected by patrons.
Vertical Penduling
Vertical Penduling
Aluminum bells are suspended on piano wire stretched tightly within the eight foot opening; beaters are made of pine.