Uncovered States:
The Big Swing
by Dan Senn, see
video (20:00)
"The Big Swing"
contrasts three
community events
(a summer solstice
a farmer's market, and a klan
rally) from three
vastly different
American cities (Seattle
and Enumclaw, Washington, and
Wisconsin) with a goal of
creating an artifact of childlike objectivity.
Produced by
an internationally known experimental
composer and
from Tacoma, Washington,
Dan Senn explains that
"I was curious
to learn what
content might arise from a fast moving
and often
camera edited extraction
of three public
events from three significantly
areas of the country-one which would take full advantage
of my
skills as a music improvisor to,
perhaps, capture the reality and true spirit
of each event. By juxtaposing these bits of "performed-
reportage," I
anticipated a interpolated mess
age that went beyond personal bias... ."
This video doc
umentary offers an intriguing perspective
contemporary life at the turn of the century
through the
eyes of an experimental artist."