University of Puget Sound
Kittredge Gallery
Exhibition by Dan Senn
See Video

March 1994

front: Too Flutter
on floor: The Trampoline Family
back: Out to Dry

Out to Dry

Consists of 32 photo scans of my face pressed against glass hung beneath the
suspended frame shown in the photo. Two video run continuously behind the
hanging photos: a color video of a mapping of inner-city weeds taken in
downtown Tacoma in the spring of 1993 and the other, an percussive
animation of my face as seen in the photo scans and played back over
an old b/w television. The sound track for one video machine consists of the text
called Appealaspeile, an account of the bureaucratic ousting of a committed artist
from a company position written and read in a style reminiscent of Kafka work. The
stereo sound track for the other video is a real-time feedback improvisation from
Scrapercussion #7 made for "No Art Arts Day" in New York City in 1989.

The Trampoline Family

Consists of three "trampolines" each featuring the crushed face of three children held in a
transparency stretched within a pine dowel frame. The rusted mesh on each trampoline
acts as a Theremin which senses view proximity (closeness) with the resulting tone
transmitted over piezo speakers attached to the back of the scanned photographs (the
photo act redundantly as a speaker diaphram).

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