Surface to Air New music, video and sound sculpture by Dan Senn Location One and Roulette Intermedium December 5, 2005 Program . . .
Zákaz Vstupu (2005) for video. 9' (see video)
This video was
commissioned by MamaPapa, producers of KLADNO + - ZÁPORNO,
a festival
held in the once thriving industrial area of Kladno, The
Czech Republic, about 50 kilometers
from Prague. The video was shot and edited over a 24
hour period.
Nine Herz (2005) for Surface Pendulyre, Tubular Rattles, Corn Shakers, Lydes. 20'
(click images to enlarge)
Sculptural instruments
are controlled using subaudio frequencies in the zero to nine
herz range
with live computer manipulations and lyde performances
by the composer.
Wisconsin Air (2005) for video. 14' (see video)
An experimental
video work which explores the surface of a discarded bath tub
and sink as
rediscovered in the back yard of the composer's childhood home
in Watertown, Wisconsin.
Rybanaruby (2005) for pre-recorded
and live lyde instruments. 20'
(click images to enlarge)
- lyde performers, Denise Senn, Frances Senn, Dan Senn
This work was
composed for Rybanaruby, a popular tea room and performance
in Prague. Lydes are Tibetan bowl-like instruments made
from found pot lids with tunings
unadjusted. In two recent performances, Portland (August) and
Prague (September),
masses of these were played through the narrow street corridors
of by volunteer
players organized into "Space Bands." (Lyde is
the Danish word for "sound.") For this
performance, Rybanaruby will explore the sonorities
of these continuous ringing instruments
as they combine in layers of pulsating overtones and undertones.
The Obedient Woman (2005) for video 8' (see video)
The materials
in this piece were first organized for an installation at the
Basin City Jail
as part of the 2003 Basin Jazz Festival where the video was
projected on translucent
paper and hung in one of the darkened jail cells. This old stone
structure, a western jail in the
classic sense, had not been used as prison for 100 years.
In this new variation, I have
added printed text materials and accompanying fundamentalist
christian piano and vocal
music. It is a satirical piece which ventures close
to the line, depending on the
audience--a piece which could easily be taken as an instructional
video in the world just 'cross
the leafy lawn from that discarded bath tub and sink.