by Dan Senn
4k Video with Stereo Sound (See sample video)
Duration = 15
:50   -> Read "RKM Interviews Dan Senn"
Three Panes (2023) was filmed in mid-May at St. Paul's Episcopal Church near Studio FMEra in Watertown, Wisconsin, USA. The video is comprised of three works created from three 19th Century stain glass window panes depicting, by chance, a different image of the Messiah. Thus the religious overtones that arise do so autonomously as I was drawn consciously only to the beauty of this backlit glass. Later, while editing, I realized I had chosen three panels imaging the Christ: 1) after crucifixion, 2) before execution, and 3) with a weapon, a militant profile embraced by many.

These videos,
1 - Taking Pains, 2 - Pain Staking, and 3 - Staking Pains, were developed separately, without an eye to being so collected as I applied editing strategies unique to each that attended foremost to rhythmic links between the film and sound track. For example, in the second work, a sound track was applied in an early edit pass and then subtracted leaving its silent imprint to work against the "heard" final sound track contrapuntally, an idea tested here first that has long fascinated me.

Note: Prior to making this work at Studio FMEra in Watertown, WI, the USA, back at my Czech studio, Gasworks, I composed a trio of video and sound works closely related in temperament, style and technique to this one including Danger Alley, Banana Telegraph and U Garáží. In the same vein, and just after this piece, I  made another at Studio FMEra titled Habitat.

The idea of gathering these works thusly arrived while editing the last section and then, again, while reviewing them in sequence. The sections work well side-by-side as they share 1) free sound improvisations using alternative/found instruments, 2) a focus on the contrapuntal and interactive motion between mediums, and, 3) stain glass windows at a small midwestern church originating before the American Civil War. BTW, the church was built in the same year as the house where Studio FMEra is located, both constructed in 1847 from locally made bricks, the same used to performed the final work, Staking Panes. The stain glass is encased in these.

After completing each work, thinking it my last, I sketched program notes (these web pages) to nail down my process before advancing. Thusly, each section is decidedly a standalone artifact that may be presented in any order with, perhaps, other works interspersed. Still, to better understand Three Panes, read the individual web pages. Even if conceived as almost independent artifacts, my strong preference is that they are experiened contiguously to enable direct comparisons.
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Dan Senn (Prague-Watertown) is an intermedia/fluxus artist working in music composition and production, kinetic sound sculpture, experimental and documentary film. He has been a professor of music and art in the United States and Australia and travels internationally as a lecturer, performer and installation artist. He lives in Prague where he directs the Echofluxx media festivals, and Watertown, Wisconsin, the USA, with his partner-collaborator, Caroline Senn. Dan's work moves freely between expressive extremes and languages depending upon the aesthetic joust at hand. Dan is cofounder of Roulette Intermedium in New York City, Cascadia Composers of Portland Oregon, and the Echofluxx festivals in Prague. (read more).

Technical Considerations: This is a 4k work and, preferably, should be projected as such. Just as vital, however, is the stereo sound system used. Speakers should sport a 12"-15" woofer with a subwoofer useful in larger spaces. A quad-stereo setup is OK and may be effective. It may also be necessary to "ride the levels" between sections depending on the acoustic environment meaning is that minute differences may need to be applied between sections. Avoid volume adjustments during a section. Calibrate the sound to be ljust oud enough to hear the smallest sound event clearly.