
by Dan Senn

2020 update
 See video (5:11)

Note: Use head-
phones or a large
PA to hear entire
sound spectrum

Leeks was videotaped in September of 1999 in the my vegetable garden just outside Shy Anne Studio in Tacoma, Washington. The concept was to establish photo-like framings letting the leek seed balls and stems move through the frame as effected by beas and wind--to map this seed crop (leeks were planted 17 months earlier) using timings that made sense to me as a time artist/improvisor.

I also concieved of the piece as presented in installations or live performances using 2-6 monitors, when possible. The original sounds were always performed live using my sculptural instruments. For this video, I have added an improvisation using my Mother's childhood violin.

The titile refers to the placement of the video image on the 16:9 black canvas.
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