Selected Articles, Interviews, Papers

Rupert Murdock Interviews Experimental Filmmaker and Composer Dan Senn
Sydney Radio Supreme, August 1, 2024
Phill Niblock (1933-2024): A Description & Analysis of His Work,
by Dan Senn, July 2024
Dan Senn's Lyde Notation, Rhythm! Scene, by Jason Baker,
Percussive Arts Society, December, 2019
The Echofluxx Media Festival: Producing Events in Europe
Proceedings, NACUSA National Conference, Georgia State University,
Atlanta, GA, November 15, 2014
 Zones of Magnified Power: Site Specific Sound Art
(by David Means), PublicArtReview, Vol 11, #2, Spr-Sum 2000
Pendulum-based Instruments, Percussive Video, Sound Art,
and the Permanence of Ephemeral Public Art, Organized Sound,
Cambridge University Press, England, Summer '98
The Catacombs of Yucatan Sound and Video Installation,
American Composers Forum Newsletter, Vol.23, No.1 '96
Sound Art and the International Connection,
Cultural Resource Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 4, Tacoma '95
Systems for Non-Linear Instruments and Notation,
Journal of New Music Research, September, Amsterdam, Holland '94
Systems for Non-Linear Instruments and Notation,
Experimental Music Instruments,
California, two parts, Summer and Fall editions '93
The Raku Composition Program,
Interface, September, Amsterdam, Holland '91
.Music Up Close, Puchong Gallery Notes, Winter '90
Standard Performance Practice, Soundsculpture and
Scrapercussion, Percussive Notes, Research Edition, Autumn '83
The Application of Microcomputers to Music Composition
as a Compositional and Clerical Tool, Proceedings,
1981 ICMC, North Texas State University, Denton '81